Opening Ceremony XVI European Congress of Psychology will be held in the State Kremlin Palace

Opening Ceremony XVI European Congress of Psychology will be held in the State Kremlin Palace

April 24, 2019      1354

The venue for ECP 2019 Opening Ceremony has been changed. We are delighted to inform your that now it will be held at the very heart of Russia - The State Kremlin Palace (Moscow, Kremlin) - in territory of a medieval fortress and residence of the head of the state.

Opening Ceremony XVI European Congress of Psychology will be held in the State Kremlin Palace

Important information!

The Opening Ceremony will be held on 2 July 18:00 - 21:00, light refreshments will be provided. You will need an entrance ticket to the venue. More details on the program and access to the Opening Ceremony will be sent to your email and will be placed on

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