July 3
10:45 – 12:15
Lanz Margherita (Italy)
The Financial Identity Scale (FIS): Cross-cultural validation among American, Italian, and Lithuanian emerging adults. Sorgente Angela (Italy), Lanz Margherita (Italy), Serido Joyce (USA), Vosylis Rimantas (Lithuania), Shim Soyeon (USA) 0543
How income and financial behaviors shape emerging adulthood experiences? Findings from a brief longitudinal study. Vosylis Rimantas (Lithuania) 0544
Intergenerational patterns of financial functioning: Pathways toward financial satisfaction and dyadic financial relationship. Zupančič Maja (Slovenia), Friedlmeier Mihaela (USA) 0545
Daughter or Son? Does Maternal and Paternal Financial Socialization Differ? Sirsch Ulrike (Austria) , Zupančič Maja (Slovenia) 0547
Parental financial socialization from parents’ and children’s perspective: which contributes more to children’s positive financial outcomes? Friedlmeier Mihaela (USA), Friedlmeier Wolfgang (USA) 0549