Professor, Doctor of Philosophy, a clinical and research psychologist and the director of the Center for Crisis Psychology in Bergen.
Individuals, families and societies are plagued by critical events that leave many millions of people with physical and mental scars each year. As helpers we must be ready to help follow a sudden death in a family or following a terror attack in a city. Both systems and helpers must be prepared. Psychosocial interventions following crisis and disasters are more and more becoming a standard in different European countries, albeit differing in quality and extension. The expectations of early and timely help are increasing. Newer research, especially within memory research, have practical relevance and implications for how we provide help to those who experience such events. Research and clinical experience form good building blocks for care and follow-up. Feedback from those directly affected (users) can further help us improve our service.
Although the present “zeitgeist” is to monitor and screen, there are reasons to rethink this view and consider how we by intervening early rather than late may prevent later problems and prevent negative reactions from consolidating. In this presentation clinical experience from a variety of critical events will be supplemented by knowledge from research to illustrate good preparedness, response and follow-up.
Dr. Dyregrov is the author of numerous publications, journal articles and more than 15 books. He has conducted research on various subjects relating to bereavement, trauma and disaster. He is one of the founding members of the European Society for Traumatic Stress Studies and the Children and War Foundation.