José Muñiz

José Muñiz

PhD, University of Oviedo (UNIOVI), Department of Psychology. He is one of the most famous Spanish psychologists in the world.



Tests and Testing in the 21st century: Quo vadis?

Psychological tests constitute a fundamental tool in the diagnostic decision making of psychologists. Tests are widely used by psychologists, both in research and in the exercise of their profession. In recent years there have been major changes in the field, linked to the development of new information technologies. In this presentation, recent advances in the construction and use of tests are reviewed, and some future challenges discussed. 

The revision is organized around six main dimensions of change: the evolution of psychometric models, technological changes, new developments in the construction of items and tests, new approaches in reliability estimation, theory and practice of validity, and the use of tests in professional settings. 

Finally, future perspectives and challenges of psychological assessment are discussed. The new information technologies provide interesting solutions and open new lines of research, but also generate new problems and questions. Issues such as online assessment, test security, ecological momentary assessment, or network analysis will be analyzed.