Russian Psychological Society attended ARUPS 2018

Russian Psychological Society attended ARUPS 2018

February 25, 2018      1939

For the first time Russian Psychological Society attended ARUPS 2018 congress in Kuta, Indonesia.

The primary goal was to promote European Congress of Psychology 2019 (ECP2019) which will be held in Moscow, yet there was a great deal of discussions regarding Memorandums of Understanding between several ASEAN psychological societies and Russian Psychological Society.  Also ECP2019 was treated with great interest from South-East Asian colleagues, who not only went through early registration procedure on the Congress website, but also offered support in ECP2019 promotion in ACEAN region.  As an example, ARUPS 2019 team decided that the next year congress has to be held in the end of July 2019, while initially the intended dates were on the first week of the month. This decision was made due to help South-East Asian attendees to visit both Congresses.

Russian Psychological Society is extremely grateful to ARUPS2018 organizers for their kind support and adjustments for successful ECP2019 promotion.​

Russian Psychological Society

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